Dr. Norbert Heenen
Admission as Lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) in 1990 (Cologne
Chamber of Lawyers – Rechtsanwaltskammer Köln)
Ph.D. University of Cologne (Dr. iur.)
(Locations Cologne and Berlin)
Law and Economics, Universities of Cologne, Freiburg and Kiel.
Six years Advisor at the Federal Ministry of Labour (Department of Works Constitution) and at the Federal Ministry of Finance (Federal Ministry of Labour Budget).
Fifteen years with the Bayer Group first of all legal department: Commercial Law, Head of Labor and Social Law with the main emphasis in industrial relations (Works Council Bayer and European works council of Bayer). Since 2004 General Counsel of the AgfaPhoto group with affiliates in 33 countries. After the insolvency of the parent company, support to the administrative receiver, primarily abroad.
In addition to his tasks as permanent legal advisor Norbert Heenen has been acting as self employed lawyer representing private clients at labor courts and civil law courts since 1990. In 2006, Norbert Heenen focused on his own independent law firm. Dr. Heenen is the founder of the partnership pursuing to the German Professional Partnership Act (Partnerschaftsgesellschaft).
Partner since 2008.
Languages: German and English (business fluent), French.
Dr. Norbert Heenen is:
- Co-author of: German Civil Code = Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (BGB), Volume II, Liability of the heir for the obligations of the estate, Beck 2022.
- Co-author of the contract commentary “Drafting contracts for managing directors, board members and supervisory boards”, edited by Holthausen/Kurschat, Beck 2017.
- Co-author of a compendium (legal commentary) on Employment and Labor Law (Münchener Handbuch Arbeitsrecht), published by C.H. Beck, 1st to 3rd edition.